As a parish family we journey with each other through times of joy and celebration and in times of difficulty and sorrow. We stay connected when people are homebound, during hospitalizations and rehab, and in the loneliness of loss and grief. Please contact the parish during times of special need.
SACRAMENTAL EMERGENCY: In case of a sudden sacramental emergency (such as Last Rites), please call the parish at 833-2600 and talk with the receptionist, or if it is after hours, leave a detailed voicemail with Queen of Peace Parish Office for one of our priests at 608-231-4600.
EMERGENCIA SACRAMENTAL: En caso de una emergencia y la necesidad de sacramentos (como los Últimos Ritos), por favor llame a la parroquia al 833-2600 y hable con la recepcionista, o si es después de horas de trabajo, deje un mensaje de voz en detalle en la Oficina Parroquial de Queen of Peace para uno de nuestros sacerdotes al 608-231-4600.
- Capellán del Ministerio Hispano / Chaplain of Hispanic Ministry: Padre Osvaldo Briones SJS
- Email: frosvaldo@stamadison.org
- Teléfono / Phone: 608-833-2600 (ext. 4871)
BEREAVEMENT SUPPORT: Our faith can play an important role following the death of a loved one. Being with others who share this experience also helps ease the feelings of loneliness. A Bereavement Ministry series is hosted cooperatively by the westside Catholic parishes at various times throughout the year.
- Contact Erik Gyr, Pastoral Associate for more information.
FUNERAL PLANNING: The death of a loved one is one of the most difficult experiences of life. The prayerful support and assistance of your Church family can be indispensable and we are here to help. Our pastoral associate will walk you through the planning of a traditional Funeral Mass, a simpler style prayer service, a graveside committal, or another appropriate remembrance of your choice.
HOME COMMUNION: Home visitors are available to visit homebound parishioners, as well as those who have transitioned to assisted living or hospice care. Pastoral Visitors bring comfort and encouragement, Christian fellowship and prayerful support. If you choose, they can also share Communion.
HOSPITAL VISITATION: A stay in the hospital can be a frightening and lonely ordeal. We would like to support and encourage you during that difficult time. Our Pastoral Visitors are ready to visit with you or your loved one, pray together and, if you choose, share Communion. Contact us for a visit.
CARE FACILITIES: Thomas Aquinas Parish serves the sacramental and pastoral care needs of residents at Oakwood Village University Woods, Brookdale – Wynwood, and Coventry Village – Sebring. This ministry allows those living in area nursing homes and assisted living centers the opportunity to stay connected to their parish family at STA.

PRAYER CHAIN: A group of intercessors are dedicated to praying for the needs of our parish and our parishioners. We would welcome the opportunity to pray with you.
- If you would like to submit a prayer request, please email prayer@stamadison.org.
- Click here to see the prayer chain list of those in need of your prayers.
- If you wish to pray for others as part of our prayer chain, you can join using the form below.
As a parish family we journey with each other through times of joy and celebration and in times of difficulty and sorrow. We stay connected when people are homebound, during hospitalizations and rehab, and in the loneliness of loss and grief. Please contact the parish during times of special need.