Jesus calls us to be his disciples. Will you come and follow Him?
We are all on a journey of faith, challenged to grow in our love of Jesus Christ, His Church, and His people. But to know things about Jesus is something very different from knowing Jesus. And so this journey begins with evangelization. Our first goal with children, teens and adults is to provide opportunities where we can encounter Jesus; then, because of that relationship, be motivated to learn more about our Catholic faith.
We also help our children and teens to prepare for the Sacraments they will receive, especially their First Reconciliation, First Communion, and Confirmation. To supplement our more formal offerings, we also provide a library for all parishioners to use. It is located near the restrooms off the gathering space and is available whenever the church building is open.
2024-2025 Faith Formation and Sacramental Prep Update:
Faith Formation Begins the Week of September 29th.
Registration is now closed. We are at capacity for Faith Formation and Sacramental Prep (including First Eucharist and Confirmation). We look forward to another wonderful year. Please pray for our children!
Save the Date – Registration for 2025-2026 Faith Formation will Begin August 2025!
Actualización de Formación en la Fe y Preparación Sacramental 2024-2025:
Las inscripciones ya están cerradas. Estamos al límite de nuestra capacidad para la Formación en la Fe y la Preparación Sacramental (incluyendo la Primera Eucaristía y la Confirmación). Esperamos con ansias otro año maravilloso. ¡Por favor, oren por nuestros hijos!
Reserve la fecha - ¡La inscripción para la formación de fe 2025-2026 comenzará en agosto de 2025!
Staff Contacts:
- Robert Rosa-Cruz, Youth & Young Adult Ministry Director
- or 608-833-2606 x4860
- Maira Rivera, Faith Formation & Hispanic Ministry Coordinator
- or 608-833-2606 x4868
- Terri Kopplin, Faith Formation Administrative Director
- or 608-833-2606 x4862

Children aged 3 – 5 learn to participate in Sunday Mass by attending with their families. They can also enter the mystery of our faith through the program Catechesis of the Good Shepherd offered during the week.
To participate in the Catechesis of the Good Shepherd or if you have questions, please contact Maira Rivera.
Remit Faith Formation Fees Online: Click Here for English OR Haga clic aquí en español
All classes are in-person this year. During grade school, children in their second year of Faith Formation also prepare and receive the sacraments of First Reconciliation and First Communion.
For more information on our elementary faith formation program or to participate, please contact Maira Rivera.
Remit Faith Formation Fees Online: Click Here for English OR Haga clic aquí para pagar las tarifas en español

STA Youth Formation Mission Statement:
The aim of STA Youth Formation is to guide our youth to answer the call of personal discipleship, evangelization and leadership. This is accomplished by providing teens an environment through which they are empowered to live as disciples of Jesus Christ in our world and are drawn to participate in the life, mission and work of Catholic Church.
Middle School Youth Formation: The middle school youth formation program focuses on building an atmosphere for the youth so that they can build a strong and solid community with other youth and get answers to questions that they may have about the faith.
High School Youth Formation: The high school youth formation program encourages all high school youth in grades 9-12 to deepen their relationship with Jesus and the Eucharist. It also focuses on encouraging teens to participate in the church/local community. This is done by having dynamic talks and fun activities that the teens may relate to. There is also opportunity for retreats and other diocesan events.
Sacramental Preparation (Confirmation): If you are looking for your child to prepare for the sacrament of Confirmation, please contact Robert Rosa-Cruz.
For more information on middle school and high school formation, or to participate please contact Robert Rosa-Cruz.
Haga clic aquí Inscripciones de formación de fe-clases en español
A Community of Missionary Disciples
1 Corinthians 9:16: “If I preach the gospel, this gives me no ground for boasting, for necessity has been laid upon me. Woe to me if I do not preach the Gospel.”
The young adult community strives to promote the parish’s mission to become missionary disciples through personal spiritual growth, fellowship and service, and life-changing encounters with Jesus.
For more information or to join the Young Adult group, please contact Robert Rosa-Cruz.

We welcome all Hispanic families to participate in our Faith Formation Programs. With our Hispanic staff and volunteers we are able to attend our families fully in Spanish. And with our Chaplain of Hispanic Ministry, Padre Osvaldo Briones we can help families and their bilingual children feel welcomed and prepare for the sacraments.
Nuestro Capellán del Ministerio Hispano, el Padre Osvaldo Briones, da la bienvenida a su familia e hijos para la Misa, la Formación en la Fe y también puede ayudar a prepararse para los sacramentos. Además, con la ayuda de nuestro personal y voluntarios latinos, ¡podemos ayudar a nuestras familias completamente en español! ¡Bienvenido! ¡Estamos disponibles para ayudarte!
Haga clic aquí Inscripciones de formación de fe-clases en español
for some good reading