Youth Ministry Mission Statement
The aim of STA Youth Formation is to guide our youth to answer the call of personal discipleship, evangelization and leadership. This is accomplished by providing teens an environment through which they are empowered to live as disciples of Jesus Christ in our world and are drawn to participate in the life, mission and work of Catholic Church.2024-2025 Faith Formation and Sacramental Prep Update:
Faith Formation Begins the Week of September 29th. Registration is now closed. We are at capacity for Faith Formation and Sacramental Prep (including First Eucharist and Confirmation). We look forward to another wonderful year. Please pray for our children! Save the Date – Registration for 2025-2026 Faith Formation will Begin August 2025!
Actualización de Formación en la Fe y Preparación Sacramental 2024-2025:
Las inscripciones ya están cerradas. Estamos al límite de nuestra capacidad para la Formación en la Fe y la Preparación Sacramental (incluyendo la Primera Eucaristía y la Confirmación). Esperamos con ansias otro año maravilloso. ¡Por favor, oren por nuestros hijos!
Reserve la fecha - ¡La inscripción para la formación de fe 2025-2026 comenzará en agosto de 2025!
Remit Faith Formation Fees Online: Click Here for English OR Haga clic aquí para pagar las tarifas en español

The Middle School Youth Ministry
program focuses on creating an atmosphere
for the youth so that they can build a strong and
solid community with other youth and get answers
to questions that they may have about the faith.
From our Youth Minister......
"I am very grateful to God for allowing me to be here with you all. I am also grateful to Fr. Bart and the rest of the parish staff for giving me the opportunity to be part of this team. To let you know a little bit about who I am: my hometown is Newark, NJ. At the age of 13, my parents decided to move the family to the small town of Aiken, SC. While in high school, I participated at our parish’s youth ministry program. After graduating from high school, I attended the University of South Carolina-Aiken and received my B.A. in History. Currently, I am working on my M.A. in Catechetics and Evangelization with Franciscan University of Steubenville.
I made the Catholic faith my own while I was in high school by participating in various youth events both on a local and diocesan scale. While in college, I was blessed to become a youth minister at Our Lady of Peace in another small town, North Augusta, SC. I spent 3 years there until I was called to go to a much bigger parish to do the same thing, St. Peter’s Catholic Church in Beaufort, SC. I love sharing the faith with people of all ages, especially the youth today. I look forward to the opportunities and challenges of my future as your youth minister. Let us pray that Christ may be our main focus in the youth and young adult ministry program here and that Mary pray for us, that we may be worthy of the promises of Christ."