Lent 2025

Thank you for beginning your Lenten journey with the community of St. Thomas Aquinas Parish, where people experience Jesus Christ in a way that changes how they live. 

Gracias por comenzar su viaje de Cuaresma con la comunidad de la Parroquia de Santo Tomás de Aquino, donde las personas experimentan a Jesucristo de una manera que cambia la forma en que viven.


Lent exists so that we can prepare ourselves for the three great days.  Lent is a time to prepare ourselves to more fully celebrate the Paschal mystery! During Lent, we also dedicate ourselves to grow in our faith through the traditional practices of prayer, fasting, and acts of charity/almsgiving.

Lenten Mission with Hector Molina

Monday, April 7 & Tuesday, April 8*

A Lenten mission is a time of grace, especially for the parish community. It brings healing and spiritual refreshment, and at the same time invites us to deeper repentance, conversion and more fruitful discipleship.

Hector will speak in English at 6pm, and in Spanish at 7:30pm.

Childcare is available during both sessions of the Mission on Monday & Tuesday evening.

  • Please sign up using the form link HERE below before April 7th, to make the check-in process quicker. Each child must have a completed registration form and waiver prior to entering the nursery.
  • Childcare will be available for children ages 1-year and older. Please contact Julia in the parish office with any questions: julia@stamadison.org or 608-821-4867.
  • If you would like to volunteer to help with childcare, please sign-up HERE or contact Julia in the parish office by April 1st.

*Hector will also give an extended evening presentation on Sunday, 4/6, at Our Lady Queen of Peace Parish, covering the same content that will be presented on the two evenings at St. Thomas Aquinas.

Questions about the Mission? Contact Jennifer Ludtke at jennifer@stamadison.org

Misión Cuaresmal con Héctor Molina, Lunes 7 de abril & Martes 8 de abril

Las misiones cuaresmales son ocasiones de gracia especial para una comunidad parroquial. Aportan sanación y refrigerio espiritual, al mismo tiempo que nos invitan a un arrepentimiento más profundo, a una conversión y a un discipulado más fructífero. Héctor hablará en inglés a las 6pm, y en español a las 7:30pm.

Please consider setting aside some extra time during the Lenten Season and coming together and joining us in prayer.

Opportunities for Prayer During Lent

Oportunidades para orar  durante la Cuaresma

Adoration  (Adoración)
  • Mondays/lunes: 2:00–4:00pm
  • Tuesdays/martes: 4:15-5:15pm
  • Fridays/viernes: 9:00–10:00am
Devotions and Morning Prayer
  • Rosary for the Unborn: Monday 8:05 AM
  • Our Lady of Perpetual Help: Monday after Mass
  • Chaplet of Divine Mercy: Wednesday after Mass
  • Rosary for World Peace: Friday 8:05 AM
Weekly Mass Times  


  • 4:30 PM
  • 6:30 PM – Mass in Spanish (Misa En Español)


  • 8:00 AM
  • 10:00 AM
  • 1:00 PM – Mass in Spanish (Misa En Español)


  • Monday, Wednesday, Thursday And Friday: 8:30 AM
  • Tuesday: 5:30 PM
  • Tuesday – Friday: 6:30 PM – Mass in Spanish in the Chapel (Misa En Español)


Stations of the Cross  (Víacrucis)

One of the ways we enter more deeply into the Season of Lent, is by celebrating the Stations of the Cross as a parish community!

In English

  • Tuesdays of Lent at 6pm, following the 5:30pm Mass in English
  • Friday, March 14, March 28 and April 11, at 6pm, with soup and speaker afterward

En español:

  • Los martes durante la Cuaresma (11, 18, 25 de marzo, 1, 8, 15 de abril) a las 6:00pm, después de la Misa de las 5:30pm en inglés.
  • Viernes, Marzo 7, Marzo 21, Abril 4 a las 6:00pm en seguido de la Misa de las 6:30pm en Español.
Sacrament of Reconciliation (Sacramento de la Reconciliación)
  • Tuesday – Friday, 5:50-6:20pm (Priest speaks both Spanish & English) 
    • Martes – Viernes – 5:50-6:20pm  (El sacerdote habla español e inglés.)
  • Saturday, 3:15-4:15pm
    • Sábados – 3:15-4:15pm  
  • By appointment: (608)833-2600
    • Con cita previa: 608-833-2600 (ext. 4871)

Extended Reconciliation Times in April:

  • Tuesday-Saturday, April 8- 12 5:20pm-6:20pm
  • Tuesday-Thursday, April 15-17 5:20pm-6:20pm

(Priest speaks both Spanish & English) 

Tiempos de conciliación extendidos en abril:

  • Martes y sábado, 8 y 12 de abril 5:20pm-6:20pm
  • Martes-Jueves, 15-17 de abril 5:20pm-6:20pm

(El sacerdote habla español e inglés)

Diocese of Madison Lenten Resources

  • Use the Diocese of Madison resource page to find tools to help you deepen your Lenten journey. From ideas on what to give up to recommended spiritual books to Lenten activities for families, bookmark this page for use throughout our 40-day preparation for Easter. Click Here.
  • Be sure to check out Bishop Hying’s Witnesses to Hope Lenten study featuring videos, spiritual challenges, meditations, reflections questions and more!

Holy Week & Easter

  • Holy Thursday: 7:00pm, Bilingual
  • Good Friday: 1:00pm, English & 6:30pm, Spanish
  • Holy Saturday/Easter Vigil: 7:30pm, Bilingual

Easter Sunday:

  • 8:00am, 10:00am & 10:15am, English (10:15 Mass in Social Hall)
  • 1:00pm, Spanish

We strive to be a community where people can experience Jesus Christ in a way that changes how they live. As a way of being an intentional evangelizer, consider inviting your friends, family, and even neighbors to join us during this Lenten Season.


A Blessed Lenten Season to all of you, our parishioners and friends!