Faith Formation Programming
Our Faith Formation Program provides a comprehensive and systematic presentation of Catholic beliefs to help students become knowledgeable about their faith, grow in intimacy with Jesus, and integrate these beliefs and traditions into their personal lives. Classes for preschoolers through grade nine meet on a weekly basis beginning in September. We offer traditional classes, middle school and high school youth formation, as well as Catechesis of the Good Shepherd for our Elementary school kids. We also help our children and teens to prepare for the Sacraments they will receive, especially their First Reconciliation, First Communion, and Confirmation.
Staff Contacts:
- Elementary & Spanish: Maira Rivera 833-2606 x4868,
- Youth: Robert Rosa-Cruz 833-2606 x4860,
- Volunteers & Safe Environment: Terri Kopplin 833-2606 x4862,
Our Mission
We are all on a journey of faith, challenged to grow in our love of Jesus Christ, His Church, and His people. But to know things about Jesus is something very different from knowing Jesus. And so this journey begins with evangelization.
Our first goal with children, teens and adults is to provide opportunities where we can encounter Jesus; then, because of that relationship, be motivated to learn more about our Catholic faith.
Faith Formation Volunteers
It takes many dedicated individuals to assist with the Education Ministry. Below are some of the volunteer roles needed to make our programs successful.
Childcare Volunteers care for the younger children of our catechists and other program assistants during faith formation sessions and other related events.
Small Group Facilitators primarily share their faith with our children and youth. They support the ministry by facilitating small groups and directing activities.
Substitute Facilitators assume the teaching of a session when the primary catechist is absent.
Safe Environment for All
Protection of Children and Young People
In November of 2002, the Bishops of the United States issued the Charter for the Protection of Children and Young People. In that document, the Bishops reaffirmed the obligation of all involved with the Church to “protect young people and to prevent sexual abuse.”
Learn more:
Protection for All: Although the VIRTUS® program: "Protecting God’s Children® program was primarily designed to address the issue of creating safe environments for children and young people, it was also extended to encompass those adults considered to be vulnerable. This includes adults with a physical, mental, or emotional condition that renders them unable to defend, protect, or get help for themselves when injured or emotionally abused. It also includes the elderly.
Requirements: To ensure the safety and well-being of all persons, anyone who wishes to serve as a volunteer on behalf of the parish must first complete the corresponding Safe Environment requirements before being placed in a particular ministry role. These components vary based on the volunteer position but may include a criminal background check and completion of a VirtusOnline Session. The coordinator for ministries of interest to you will advise you of any training you need.